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Paula Pinn

Paula Pinn, a recorder player and historical bassoonist, showcases her musical versatility through concert performances across Europe. As a soloist, chamber musician, and orchestra performer, she navigates various musical roles.


Born in Münster, Westphalia, in 1998, Paula's academic journey commenced with recorder studies at the Nürnberg Music Academy. She furthered her education, completing her bachelor's degree with Dorothee Oberlinger at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg. In 2022, Paula attained her Master's degree with a pedagogical focus, studying with Michael Form at the Bern University of the Arts.


Currently, she is immersed in studies focused on historical bassoon instruments with Benny Aghassi at the Koninklijk Conservatorium The Hague.


In recent years, Paula's concert activities have led her to renowned festivals including Thüringer Bachwochen, Musikfestspiele Potsdam, Schleswig-Holstein Musikfestival, Musikfest Bremen, Trigonale Festival (AT), Gstaad Menuhin Festival (CH), and Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht (NL), among others.


She has collaborated with ensembles such as the Baroque Orchestra of the Zurich Opera "La Scintilla" (CH), Cardinal Complex (CH), La Lira di Orfeo (IT), Finnish Baroque Orchestra (FIN), Theresia Orchestra, Arte dei Suonatori (PL), la festa musicale (DE), and Göttinger Barockorchester (DE), to name just a few.


Paulas musical pursuits have been supported by scholarships from institutions like the German National Academic Foundation, German Orchestra Foundation, Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben, Werner Richard - Dr. Carl Dörken Stiftung, and the DKB Foundation. In 2019, her ensemble Marsyas Baroque was awarded a fellowship of the German Music Council and chosen to participate in the "Bundesauswahl Konzerte Junger Künstler" (Federal Selection of Young Concert Artists).


From a young age, Paula was honored with numerous prizes, including first prizes at the Federal level of "Jugend musiziert", the First Liebenberg Audience Award, the GWK Encouragement Award in Music and the first prize at the Biagio Marini Competition.

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